Mountainside Chapel Farm is an ever evolving dream of mine. My husband, of 30+ years, and I live in a small country church on the side of a mountain in West Virginia with our three dogs, three cats, two goats, and six chickens - hence, the name Mountainside Chapel Farm seems to cover all the bases. On this little farm we are working toward a sustainable homesteading goal - I grow medicinal herbs, we garden and can the vegetables we grow, my husband hunts on our 36 acres, and I now create and share some lovely products that I craft from locally sourced animal fats - primarily beef tallow. When I'm not doing that, I enjoy repurposing furniture or making flower presses or anything else to scratch my perpetual creative itch. I also teach online career classes and do one-on-one career coaching.
During the pandemic, as part of "the great resignation" movement, I walked away from a successful career and toward a more rewarding life as I work toward becoming a herbalist and starting this business. God is so good to me and I am blessed that I am able to spend my days doing what makes me happy - I am passionate about providing natural products to people who want to do better for themselves and their families. I want to share these products at prices below what what I see other online companies charging, to encourage people to make better choices of what they put on their skin - the largest organ of your body.
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10
Me and my wonderful husband and our two dogs, Finnegan and Bruno.